Tuesday 16 October 2012

Dissertation Project - intro

I have now started my 3rd year at Uni so from now on all future posts will be for my dissertation, for this I will be exploring the applications of the particle system FumeFX. For those that don't know FumeFX is an advanced smoke and fire particle simulator that is used in a variety of media not just games. I have chosen this particular system as I have had some experience in the past with it and can (if done correctly) yield some truly spectacular shots. Although I have decided on this one I have looked at other particle system emitters such as; Krakatoa, Thinking Particles, Pflow, Rayfire and RealFlow. Next post will be all the books that I read on particle systems.

Friday 27 July 2012

Barret M82 50.cal sniper rifle

This will be the last model of this set and I will be trying to reduce the amount of polygons on it to practice exporting it for use in a game. As snipers dont have very many attachements, this one will only have the telescopicsight, bipod and a carrying handle. I will also try my hand at animating this one to actually fire a round after its completion in about a week.

Glock 18 (with laser sight and silencer)

Glock 18 (no attachments)

This is a Glock 18 model, this particular gun is a rare fully automatic pistol that fires 9mm rounds. There will be 2 variation one without attachments and one with a laser sight and a silencer. I also made a small sloping background so that the gun would now have a shadow and some proper lighting.

Thursday 26 July 2012

H&K G36C Model (with attachments)

This model will not have multiple shots/viewing angles as I have been busy working on my next model; the Glock 18. The G18 will have 2 attachments;  a silencer and a laser sight system.

Above is the render with the attachments the I imported from the M16A4, there are also bullets loaded in the magazine but I am not happy with them at the moment so they will remain hidden for now.

Monday 16 July 2012

H&K G36C Model

This will be my second gun model; the H&K G36C this one is lacking the variations of the M16A4 but I will be experimenting with a few materials among other things. This model will have fore grip, holographic sight, folding stock and a translucent magazine with 5.56mm ammunition loaded.